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SNK GAL’S FIGHTERSはSNK/夢工房から発売されたネオジオポケット向けゲームソフト。価格は3800円。


激突カードファイターズメタルスラッグ 2ND MISSION KOF バトルDEパラダイスSNK ギャルズファイターズ

ngp ネオジオポケット snk

This is a video of a portable fighting game from SNK for their ill-fated(and sorely under-appreciated) handheld.

neo geo neogeo gals fighter snk kof king

Combo movie for the very underappreciated SNK Gals Fighters for NGPC. These combos are about as good as it gets although by the time I finished making my final MotM combo movie I also found some tight new combos for Gals Fighters (which is why they show up at the end of that movie). One interesting aspect of Gals Fighters is that some combos are only possible on certain game speeds as this movie points out at the end. As usual it was originally hosted by Sector: NGP sngp.classicgaming.gamespy.com

SNK Gals Fighters combo movie

This is a demo video of the actual 1st Neo Pocket I modded back in 2005. All the blemishes on it are of course from not knowing what I was doing the first time around. To download the guide go to: www.jamma-nation-x.com

Neogeo SNK Pocket Neo Turf Masters Big Tournament

My final combo exhibition for King of Fighters R-2 taking the combo engine as far as it can go without relying on the Iori and Chris specific bugs. The video does feature a couple of character specific bugs however RB Terry vs Shingo Saisyu vs Saisyu and Leona vs Shingo to be specific. These were included as they weren’t enough to dedicate a full video to. Originally released on Sector:NGP www.classicgaming.com

kof R-2 Combo NGPC rockmanpocket

Biomotor Unitron is one of my favorite NGP(C) games and one of the few I still have CIB (along with a couple Japanese titles Gal Fighters and Card Fighter’s Clash -- SNK Ver.) and it’s one of the most compotent role-playing games for the system. Oddly enough many people think this handheld was only released in Japan and areas near Japan but the platform was released in Europe some areas in the US and several other locations. This is a series of videos for the English version of the game. 199 years prior on the planet ’Elscea’ a meteor crashed on the planet during its dark age when the inhabitants of Elscea were engulfed in a hate-filled world war. As the fighting ensued and people were filled with despair many had died until it was discovered that the meteor which would one day be called ’The Unitice’ fell into a lake on Tridiss Elscea’s largest continent vaporizing it instantly and left behind many crystals across the Kingdom of Rhafiace. The crystals called Uni-Trons contain unlimited power which Rhafiace used to develop humanoid combat robots called Unitrons. These robots tipped the scales in Rhafiace’s favor and led to their victory in the war. Now its present day where wounds have healed and people have forgotten the war and live in peace. The Unitrons are no longer used as weapons for war but for many purposes intertwined with everyday life. The most popular use for Unitrons is to send them to battle in a reknowned tournament for fame and fortune b.../b

Bio Motor Biomotor Unitron バイオモーター・ユニトロン Neo Geo neogeo

Biomotor Unitron is one of my favorite NGP(C) games and one of the few I still have CIB (along with a couple Japanese titles Gal Fighters and Card Fighter’s Clash -- SNK Ver.) and it’s one of the most compotent role-playing games for the system. Oddly enough many people think this handheld was only released in Japan and areas near Japan but the platform was released in Europe some areas in the US and several other locations. This is a series of videos for the English version of the game. 199 years prior on the planet ’Elscea’ a meteor crashed on the planet during its dark age when the inhabitants of Elscea were engulfed in a hate-filled world war. As the fighting ensued and people were filled with despair many had died until it was discovered that the meteor which would one day be called ’The Unitice’ fell into a lake on Tridiss Elscea’s largest continent vaporizing it instantly and left behind many crystals across the Kingdom of Rhafiace. The crystals called Uni-Trons contain unlimited power which Rhafiace used to develop humanoid combat robots called Unitrons. These robots tipped the scales in Rhafiace’s favor and led to their victory in the war. Now its present day where wounds have healed and people have forgotten the war and live in peace. The Unitrons are no longer used as weapons for war but for many purposes intertwined with everyday life. The most popular use for Unitrons is to send them to battle in a reknowned tournament for fame and fortune b.../b

Bio Motor Biomotor Unitron バイオモーター・ユニトロン Neo Geo neogeo

【 ネオポケの殿堂 】 ネオジオポケットの全ソフト一覧、レビュー、攻略から通販情報 までまるごとネオポケ情報サイト! ... メーカー SNK/夢工房 オススメ度 ★★★★ ★. ジャンル 対戦格闘 レア度 ★★★★☆ 現在の相場 ...

SNK GALS#39 FIGHTERS 攻略 レビュー 質問 - goo ゲーム

格闘アクション SNK初のALL女性キャラクター格闘ゲーム登場! ... 価格 ¥3990. 発売 日 2000年1月27日. キーワード. ネオジオポケット/格闘で絞り込む ... 攻略・裏技 - SNK GALS#39 FIGHTERS. 攻略・裏技はありません. 質問 - SNK GALS#39 FIGHTERS ...


SNK GALS#39 FIGHTER S_ G_ D. システム解析 技表 連続技 ... 頂上決戦 最強 ファイターズ SNK VS. CAPCOM WHAT A COOL WE ARE! 技表 連続技 技 解析 ... ビックリマン2000 ビバ!ポケットフェスチバァ! ガンバレ ネオポケ通. Tips ...

SIT ネオジオポケットカラー レビュー

ネオジオポケットカラーのレビュー. ... NEO GEO Pocket Color(a). INFINITY cure.( インフィニティ キュア) SNK GAL#39S FIGHTERS(SNKギャルズファイターズ). INFINITY cure.(インフィニティ キュア) ... 攻略本が出ているならいざ知らずこれは ちょっと<(ユーザに)冷たい>。 まあ、定番の話なのですが・・・・・・。 ...

SNK Gals#39 Fighters | 2次元ゲーマーの無駄口

中古NGPソフト≫SNK GAL#39S FIGHTERS(SNKギャルズファイターズ)(カラー専用)【 ソフト単品】 この商品の他のレビューをみる» ... ネオポケの画面を無理矢理ワイド 画面に拡大していて、ドットが荒い。 映像中の音声に実況(っていうの?)が入っている ...

駿河屋さん2006ランキング、ネオジオポケット編発表 | 2次元ゲーマー ...

2007年1月28日 ... 恐らくネオポケ史上最高に売れたソフトですからそれだけ中古にも本数が流れてますし、 また評価も高いゲームですから安心して買えますしね。 ... NGP、NGPC、カラー専用、 SNK GALS#39 FIGHTERS、GAL#39S FIGHTERS、対戦格ゲー【関連記事】 ...

【楽天市場】【中古】NGPソフトSNK GAL#39S FIGHTERS(SNKギャルズ ...

15時までのご注文は即日発送! 土・日・祝も休まず営業! 【中古】NGPソフト. SNK GAL#39S FIGHTERS (SNKギャルズファイターズ) (カラー専用) ... 機種 ネオジオ ポケット. メーカー SNK. ジャンル 格闘アクション. 備考 この商品は、「中古」で 、 ...

SNK GALS#39 FIGHTERS 攻略 レビュー 質問 - goo ゲーム

格闘アクション SNK初のALL女性キャラクター格闘ゲーム登場! ... SNK初のALL女性 キャラクター格闘ゲーム登場! この商品のカスタマーレビューを見る この商品の中古 を見る この商品の関連商品を見る. (c)YUMEKOBO/SNK2000. このゲームを購入する ... ネオジオポケット/格闘で絞り込む ... 攻略・裏技 - SNK GALS#39 FIGHTERS. 攻略・裏技 はありません. 質問 - SNK GALS#39 FIGHTERS. 質問はありません. このページの上部へ ...


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